
942813_10100293894435604_850601479_nShort Version

I am a physics teacher  and engineering graduate who likes international development, education and other generally cool stuff.

This blog is just a place for me to exercise my writing and detail my activities.

I will try to make sure all my work and documents are available in opensource formats or free to view formats though for the most part it will depend on what is available on the computer I am currently working on. Please notify me if I miss anything.

Added info

I hold a MEng in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering with Sustainability from the University of Warwick. After graduating travelled Latin American then volunteered or worked for several humanitarian and international development NGOs.

First was Engineers Without Borders UK (EWB-UK). I volunteered as the Bursaries Team Liaisons Manager where was the primary contact between the bursary panels, the bursary applicants and EWB-UK management. I helped to oversee the grant allocation and project design and proposals for our member led international partnerships which ranged from hydro-electric dams to intermediate education and schools. In this role I trained the bursary panels and developed appraisal guidelines, drafted the memorandums for successful projects and resolved numerous issues.

Later I won an award from Vodafone that funded me to work for two months as the Training Programme Administrator where I assisted the Training Co-ordinator in EWB-UK training activities. My primary role was to handle all the administrative tasks that had accumulated, since the Co-ordinator had moved from full time staff to part-time volunteer. It was mostly Salesforce and documentation.

I then interned part time for 6 months with Global One 2015, the humanitarian branch of Faith Regen. I wished to learn about the humanitarian relief side of global poverty. They specialised in religious and culturally sensitive programs in healthcare, maternity and water. Here I developed a traditional hand dug shallow well repair manual for use in Somalia as well as researching Somalia and keeping the International Manager abreast of developments in the region.

I am also a long term volunteer with the Hexayurt project, activities there have included mobile network development paths and talks with DfID over a water filter.

In 2013 I have started tutoring in maths, sometimes for free sometime paid. I was accepted onto PGCE course for Physics with Math, passed that and am now a physics teacher. The details here are scarce until I get round to extending it but that is unlikely to happen until I expect to get significant traffic.

What does “jumplogic” mean?

Originally I wanted to use the name logicjump but it was taken, so I placed the words the other way around and tadah I have my very own meaningless brand name.

Now, along with Erratic Analytics, it is my way of describing my haphazard yet still logical approach of approaching problems and systems.